Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Valentine's Day Fun!

Ugh, once again I've neglected my teacher blog. I don't know how all those wonderful teacher bloggers do it! I feel like every time I'm doing something blog-worthy in my classroom, I either don't have my camera or I'm too busy with the kids to take pictures.

Thankfully, on Valentine's Day I remembered my camera AND took some pictures! Since the Candy Corn Bandit (thanks Babbling Abby!) was such a hit in October, I decided to recreate it for Valentine's Day. 

The set up: before Specials I told my kids I had some candy for them after PE. While they were gone, I put up the clues around the building and hid the candy with my across the hall neighbor. Then, while we were out clue-hunting, she put the candy back on their desks. It worked perfectly!

They came back from PE to this:
No more candy!

But, there was a clue...

We found another in the library...

And by the gym! The kids all thought it was so funny the "thief" was so close to them while they were in PE.

They took off down the hallway! Thankfully I have understanding administration who don't mind a crazy class running through the hall :)

Another clue by the front doors...

And then another in the cafeteria!

That led them to the front office.

And back to the room where the candy was waiting!

It was so much fun and such a huge hit! After, I had my kiddos sequence and label all the places we found clues. Great way to tie in some key standards while still having Valentine's fun.

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