Saturday, March 31, 2012

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

The week leading up to March 2 was "Read Me" week at school. We celebrated by having some guest readers come to our class:Our librarian is the greatest! She just asked us when people could come and then arranged all the volunteer readers. Of course, some teachers ask friends and family to come read, but since this was the same week I got engaged, my mind was not really focused on Read Me week! Sorry kids. We still had some great guests come (even though I didn't know them) and it was a good experience for the kids to have someone other than me read to them.

Then, on Friday March 2 it was time to celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday! We had been reading Dr. Seuss books all week so the kids were super excited. I had big plans to make some super cute snacks a la Pinterest, but then my silly boyfriend had to go and propose! So once again, my mind was elsewhere. I don't think the kids minded having store-bought snacks. Here they are enjoying their "Thing" punch (bc it was blue), one fish two fish goldfish and Lorax cupcakes:

They're also wearing their Dr. Seuss hats we made with -at rhyming words. I was a little worried that this activity was over their heads (ha! no pun intended) but they did great! Most kids just did the same words I had brainstormed, but some added words on their own. Love their little minds! Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!!

p.s. our celebration was supposed to be at the end of the day, but we had really bad storms all day in our area that day so kids were leaving left and right. Finally at about 1:30 (our day ends at 3:45) I decided to have the party with the remaining 11 kids. Good thing I did because not too long after we had to "duck and cover" because of tornadoes in the area!

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