Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 2012!!

Happy New Year! I joined the masses last night and went out for a night on the town with my boyfriend and several of our friends. Here we are all dressed up:
It was definitely a fun night and I'm very excited to start the new year! 2011 was quite a year- mainly full of either pre or post surgery worries, complications, outcomes, etc. I'm feeling really good and just ready for a normal year.

So of course I have to make a few resolutions. Hopefully I'll keep at least some of them!

- Be more organized- I'm usually SUPER organized but have slipped a little recently. Hoping to get back on track.
- Eat healthier- I realize everyone under the sun makes this resolution, but that's because it's a good one!
- Eat less take-out- not only is it healthier, it will save money $$
- Be financially responsible- I'm not getting any younger, time to stop squandering away those millions of dollars I'm earning as a Kindergarten teacher (can you detect the sarcasm?)
- Do more for myself- I'm always doing things for other people. I need to remember to take time for myself.

What about you? Are you making New Year's Resolutions? I'd love to know what your goals are for 2012! I'm off to enjoy my last 36 hours of freedom before I have to go back to school (and yes, I did count!).

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