Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Let's Hear it for New York!

Back in February (I know, I'm behind on my posts!) I took a trip to New York with my friend Heather. We both took the day off work Friday and went up for a long weekend. It was so much fun! And full of sights and things I had never seen/done.

One item on my New York list: the Brooklyn Bridge. For some reason I had it in my head that I wanted to walk across it. Maybe because my favorite book is A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Maybe because it plays a big role in the "Sex and the City" movie. Except I forgot about one thing...I'm terrified of bridges. Absolutely terrified! I'm a little better than I used to be, in that I can now drive across them. But I still don't like it and I definitely don't like walking across them. But, I'm proud to say I conquered my fear and made it! And I was so glad I did. This thing is amazing!
Then while we were walking around the Lower East Side, we stumbled upon this:
If you watch "Real Housewives of New York City" you know what this is. If you don't, you have no idea and I'm not even going to try and explain it!

Then while walking around Greenwich Village, we stumbled upon this:
It's the apartment building from "Friends"!!! The trip was filled with random sightings of famous buildings. We also found the soup kitchen made famous by the Soup Nazi in "Seinfeld" but I didn't get a picture.

Here was the view from our hotel room:
Can you say AMAZING? It was so fabulous. All in all, a wonderful weekend filled with shopping, sight-seeing, eating and the ballet. So great and I want to go back right now!

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