Monday, March 7, 2011

Me in action

Another teacher at school today sent me a picture she had taken last year. I'm not sure when this picture was taken, or even what I'm really doing. It looks to be some sort of math lesson- I think I'm sorting buttons? If that's what I'm doing, then this picture is from the beginning of last school year. Whatever it is, I just love how the kids around me are so into it! I had to block out the kids faces that you can see, but you can still tell that they are all actively listening to whatever I'm saying.

It also makes me realize how far I have come in just a year! So there you are, a picture of me in action. Hopefully I can get some fancy photo editing software so I can post more pictures (I don't want to/can't post faces of my kids for privacy reasons). Any suggestions for free or cheap photo editing stuff?

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