Saturday, December 18, 2010

My new baby

Is this little guy:His name is Chip. I found him on while we were out of school for snow days. Instantly, I fell in love. Isn't he precious??? He's a 10 lb. toy poodle. So adorable! He's coming on on Tuesday and I can't wait!!

This is where he'll stay:
He's all set up. Crate (with cozy bedding), food and water bowl. I didn't take a picture, but naturally I bought the cutest boy collar/leash available. Having a boy will definitely save me money- the boy dog clothes are not that great. This guy will be going au naturel!

Here's a close-up of his toy basket:
He's got a squeaky turtle, tug rope, some catch and release toy (it said it was good for bonding) and a squeaky lion. The lion is my favorite. Hopefully he'll love them!

I'll be crating Chip while I'm at school, then rushing home in the afternoon to take care of him. I know it's going to be a lot of work, but I'm super excited. Do you all have any advice? I've been around dogs my whole life but this is my first venture into "parenting." I can definitely use your advice!


  1. Dogs are the best! They are more like children than people think. The best advice I can give is consistency, which as a Kindergarten teacher, you should be good at by now! Congrats on your new addition - I know he'll be loved!

  2. Throw a towel over the crate so it's more cave-like. This will help him feel more safe & secure.

  3. Having a dog has been one of my favorite things! My biggest tip is to socialize him as much as possible. Take them everywhere and get them used to different people, smells, and sounds. My dog is so used to being around people that when I have parties, she doesn't bat an eye. Nothing is worse than a dog that barks and jumps all over the place when people come to your home.
