Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

If this isn't Thanksgiving, I don't know what is!

This is actually a picture of the turkey I made for my Friends' Thanksgiving, but whatever. I'm in the process of cooking ANOTHER turkey right now, because I didn't have sufficient leftovers the first time :)

Our actual Thanksgiving day was very low-key. I woke up late (yay!) and put my breakfast casserole in the oven to take to a friend's house. We go over every year for the Boulevard Bolt and then have brunch after the race. Because of my back, I didn't race. But I have to say- sleeping in made up for the disappointment over not racing! Brunch was delicious as always, and it was great to see friends that we only see once a year.

After brunch, we headed down to Monteagle to my cousin's house. We had a nice relaxing dinner and spent some good quality time with family. I was back home in my p.j's by 6:30pm (which was great because a huge storm swept in!). Friday morning I went for a great hike at Radnor and then took my pretend brother and sister to go see the new Harry Potter movie.

All in all, it's been a great holiday long-weekend and it's only mid-day Saturday! Wonder what the rest of the weekend will bring?

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