Sunday, November 28, 2010

Giving Back

Every year, my family goes to the mall and selects an angel off the Salvation Army Angel Tree. This is a great organization that collects gifts and necessities for needy children and families. My mom and I got 2 angels- a 5 year old girl and a 6 year old boy. I was praying that I didn't see any names I recognized while looking through the angels. These kids are my kids. I sent the flyer home from school about how families can sign up. It breaks my heart to know that some of my kids will not get Christmas. But I do what I can for them at school. Anyways, here's our load from Target:
We loaded up! Each kid got a new coat, pants and shirt. They also got 2-3 toys off their "wish list." It felt so good and it was so fun to pick out toys for these needy kids.

It felt so good that when I brought the goods back to the mall, I couldn't resist and got another angel! This time, a 9 month old little girl. Here's her stuff:
Again, so much fun to do the shopping. It took me a while because I had to make sure that everything matched, lol. I kept finding something just a little bit cuter than the last, and I would have to put things back. Eventually, I ended up with a good amount of stuff that both fulfilled her "needs" and her little "wish list".

Have you adopted an angel? Find your local Salvation Army, I'll bet they do it! And check out local grocery stores for ways to donate food for holiday meals for needy families. Happy giving!

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