Friday, August 6, 2010

Home Renovations

So last year I bought my townhouse. My parents are great and helped me with the down payment (thanks Mom and Dad!) but I've been on my own for everything else. Immediately when I moved in every sound, smell, etc. made me convinced the place was going to burn down.

But a year later it's still going! No major disasters (knock on wood), and I still love it. When I moved in, I moved knowing that my first big project would be to upgrade the floors. The downstairs carpet was in pretty bad shape, even with a thorough steam-clean they were not very pretty. So when I got my tax housing credit check (thank you Mr. Obama!), I knew exactly what to do.

After talking to the floor guy, I found out that I had enough money to upgrade my appliances too. Score! The old ones weren't horrible, but it was nice to go ahead and upgrade. I bought an all new stainless steel refrigerator, stove, range hood and dishwasher. The Sears guy swore to me that they would all fit. Then I got this:

If it looks like the fridge is in the middle of the room, it's because it is. It was WAY too big. So annoying.

Check out the awesome ponytail/mullet on the installer guy. I had to take a picture. Thankfully my phone doesn't make a sound when it takes pictures :)

Kitchen Before

Kitchen after!

I am so happy with the result. It's like I have a brand new house. I'll post more before/after pictures of the rest of the rooms another night. I have friends coming over for drinks so I need to get ready!!

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